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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Special one-time offer, Fun School with Apple COMPLETE Unit Study ONLY $3!
I have something special for you..

Get the complete Apple Unit Study for ONLY $3! 

The Complete Apple Unit Study enhances your printable Apple Activity Set to help you encourage a love of learning with your kids.

... you'll get videos, books, snacks, crafts and more activities for a mere $3.

It's normally $15, but you pay only $3. You'll get everything you need to make a complete unit study of apples. Lots of fun books & hands-on activities, including apple snacks. 

In addition to the Apples Activity Printable, you'll receive fun activities to encourage your kids to LOVE learning. 

How about these type activities? 

 -Apples Books & Crafts
- Reading with Apples
- Writing with Apples
- Science with Apples
- Art with Apples
- Math with Apples
- Apple Crafts & Activities with Books
- Johnny Appleseed Traveling Party & Birthday Party
- Apple Snacks and Food Activities
- Apple Videos

 This unit study normally sells for $15. To help you overcome the struggle to get your kids to like homeschooling, this Apple Unit Study is perfect for the fall season.

No multiple choice tests. 
No textbooks. 
Only real books. 
Real living books. 

I know you're busy and you don't have the 3 hours & 40 minutes that I spent researching and creating a fun learning experience in our Apples Unit Study. 

 Do you really have that much free time to create your own resources?

 Why not grab this fun learning resource today, since it's on sale for only $3? 

 There is so much in this FUN unit study that will save you time creating a unit on your own. I can't believe I'm reducing it so much. 

Thank you for your resources. I really appreciate what you're doing. I'm glad there are others out there casting the vision of parents taking the responsibility to *educate* their children (dads, especially need this) not just letting someone else *school* them.Grace to you, Mike 

Since I know how stretched you are financially and timewise, as a homeschool mom, I want to make this a no-brainer.

 It's time to start having FUN in your homeschool. Just because your kids are having fun, doesn't mean they aren't learning. I know, double negative. But you get the point. 

 You'll find crafts for your creative kids. 
 You'll find Science activities for your "figure-it-out" kids. 
 You'll find storybooks for your "book-loving" kids. 

 Something for everyone to learn.

Move the gray toggle above to add the entire Fun School with Apple Complete Unit Study ONLY $3

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Apple Activity Set$5

  • Total payment
  • 1xApple Activity Set$5

All prices in USD